By now most of us have heard Chillinit's new song Freedom. With an awesome video clip and its catchy feel-good chorus, the song is one of Australias biggest new singles. The clip has 400,000 views and is one of two tracks already released from Chillinits upcoming sophomore album 'The Octagon'. On Wednesday morning Perth rapper Shadow shared a clip of American rapper T-Rock's song 'Freedom' which, surprise surprise, had the same beat. Shadow's post had laughing emojis over it which lets us know that he thought the Chillinit bit the track and the allegations are already spreading like wildfire with shares from Rops and Spanian. It's obvious that there are rappers that want to see these claims become fact, but how legit are they?
The main claim is that he stole the beat. T-Rock's video came about in 2017 so these are obviously valid allegations, but there's a difference between an allegation and a fact. Chillinit claims that the beat was leased, meaning that legally speaking, whoever leases the beat is allowed to use it, the beat was produced by JeeJuhBeats. Although it does seem questionable that Chillinit, one Australia's biggest rappers, would need to lease a beat for his album he didn't do anything unethical by doing what he did. Another claim is that Chillinit stole the title and concept of the T-Rock's song but that's a bit of a stretch when you remember that the "freedom" sample is layered throughout the track and is a part of JeeJuhBeats beat. It would be kinda hard to rap over this track and not title the song freedom when that's the main part of the beat. Honestly, it would be surprising if Chillinit even knew that T-Rocks track with 8000 views existed.
From what's developed so far, it looks like these claims hold no weight. At this level of scrutiny than the first accuser, Shadow stole his beat for 'It dont end' from XXXTentacions track 'Look at me' and XXXTentacion stole his beat from The Game and his track 'Holy Water'. This isn't how hip-hop works and this looks like the start of witch hunt from certain rappers who have issues with Chillinit. Centrepoint contacted Chillinit for a comment but he didn't want to comment not wanting to give the allegations any oxygen.